This is one that I wrote a fair while back and shared as a Facebook album, but that doesn’t seem to work too well. So here it is reproduced!
What you’ll need:
- 2-3mm MDF base (I buy mine from
- Some spare 2-3mm MDF (another base is perfectly fine)
- 10mm Styrofoam – not polystyrene! Also called extruded polystyrene and is most definitely not expanded polystyrene
- Bark chips – bought from garden centres
- Grit and sand of various grades
- Polyfilla/Spackle
- Wood glue and PVA. I’ve become a huge fan of Gorilla Wood Glue and wholeheartedly recommend it.
The paint and flock are whatever you want to use, but I recommend having a variety of flocks for a more realistic look. Clump foliage also looks fantastic.