Anvil of Doom – 2000pts
Kings Of War 2000 point, 3 game tournament From 09:00 until 17:30 At Black Dragon Miniatures 4-6 Coventry Road, Hinckley, LE10 0JT UK
Kings Of War 2000 point, 3 game tournament From 09:00 until 17:30 At Black Dragon Miniatures 4-6 Coventry Road, Hinckley, LE10 0JT UK
2000 point tournament At Fort Worth, Texas, USA 4151 Centreport Boulevard, Fort Worth, Texas 76155 $70 For more than a Fourteen YEARS the tournament has been operating as one of the premiere Warhammer tournaments in… Lonewolf GT tournament
Predicting who exactly will win a tournament is near impossible, especially one as large as Clash of Kings. I’m still going to give it a go, but discuss a few different people. Now, you could… My bets for Clash of Kings Champ 2018
As I write this, we’re now less than 3 weeks away from the UK Clash of Kings 2018. Mantic have over 70 people booked on last time I checked, making this the biggest UK event… Experiencing your first CoK
The inaugural Four Foot Snake Grand Tournament has come and gone, and damn was it a blast! Initially conceived by the Four Foot Snake podcast guys, we decided very early on that 5 wanted to… A view from behind the booth…
Back in the day, oh way back in the day, I thought tournaments were a hardcore affair. Full of Win At All Costs overly competitive dicks trying to out dick each other with the most… Casual gamer? Go to a tournament!
You’ll often see players talking about “Chaff” units, but what are chaff units and how do you use them? Broadly speaking, a chaff unit is any unit that’s considered expendable but can be used to… Tactica: The elements of chaff
Date: Saturday May 14, 2016 from 8:45 AM to 6:00 PM BST Run by: Altrincham Gaming Club, contacts: Andrew Sharp and Kev Honeysett ( Venue: Altrincham Gaming Club, WA14 4DN Price: £10 Composition Details: 2000… Event Preview: Doom of the Kindred Lord
There needs to be a collective noun for KoW events; I think a “Ronnie” of events sounds fun (please add your ideas via the comments section). The number of KoW events here in the UK… A Plethora of KoW of Events
It has been a few days since I played at the Black Dragon Miniatures 2000pt KoW event with my Varangrrr. The army list is reproduced below with a breakdown of their “battlegrouping” and the intended… Observations on playing Varangrrr