Cool Guys Nation Battle Report: Elves vs Varangur
Cool Guys Nation have posted a battle report at 2500 points, pitting Elves against Varangur as Josh practices for Adepticon.
Cool Guys Nation have posted a battle report at 2500 points, pitting Elves against Varangur as Josh practices for Adepticon.
Lost Lands Games have posted up an in-depth review of the Trident Realms from Uncharted Empires. The big news here is SLLLAAANNN! Slann, in al their bug-eyed glory are poised to make a fighting return… Lost Lands blog: Trident Realms review
Smooth Troopers has posted an excellent guide sharing their thoughts on running Orcs: The Orc list is the lightest in the entire game. That is to say that many “Standard” options are absent from the… Smooth Troopers Nerd blog: A guide to playing Orcs in Kings of War
Guerrilla Miniature Games have posted an excellent video battle report featuring Elves and Undead. Clarence spends some time first discussing how the game works, particularly compared to Warhammer Fantasy Battles before the players settle in… Guerrilla Miniature Games Battle Report