Dungeon Crate Review
Our friends over at Master Crafted have received their first Dungeon Crate. Caleb and Kyle have a look at its contents in this Video preview.
Our friends over at Master Crafted have received their first Dungeon Crate. Caleb and Kyle have a look at its contents in this Video preview.
Mantic have posted a preview of the brand new Elf Silverbreeze cavalry over on their blog: Silverbreeze troops range ahead of Elven forces. Peerless cavalry archers, they can pick off weak foes from a distance,… Mantic Blog: Quick Silver
Our Bothan spies have been hard at work at the Mantic HQ… Undead Lykanis Abyssal Dwarf Slavedriver Troll Bruiser Undead Wights Coming soon!
Shieldwolf are currently running a kickstarter to fund a range of shieldmaiden miniatures that would be perfect for Kings of War. They already produce many existing ranges that have been well received. For those of you who don’t… Shieldwolf Shieldmaiden kickstarter
So this has apparently been cropping up since the beginning of February, but I’ve only just seen it! Renedra (the guys who made Mantics original Elf, Undead and Dwarf plastic sprues) are making their own… Castle from Renedra incoming
Frostgrave (an excellent skirmish game by the way!) is set to release a new plastic boxed set of Gnolls. They’ve uploaded a photo of the 3-up sculpt, held together with blutac: These certainly look fantastic… Frostgrave Gnolls preview
My spies deep within Mantic HQ have performed admirably by sneaking out this photo of the upcoming Wight miniatures, fresh from the mold: I really like these. The concept art was badass, and the miniatures… New Mantic Undead Wights – exclusive sneak preview
The lovely folks (well, guy) over at Macrocosm has just put some lovely metal Halfling cavalry up for preorder. Releasing on the 29th February, you can pre-order a unit of 5 here at the pre-order price of £18.50, saving… Shortwars Halfling cavalry up for pre-order