My Abyssal Dwarf tactics
I picked up Abyssal Dwarfs as my go-to army for major events this year, and done quite well so far, if I say so myself! Here’s what I ran at Lonewolf 2017 and a recent… My Abyssal Dwarf tactics
I picked up Abyssal Dwarfs as my go-to army for major events this year, and done quite well so far, if I say so myself! Here’s what I ran at Lonewolf 2017 and a recent… My Abyssal Dwarf tactics
Amongst my many, many projects, I am building an Abyssal Dwarf army. To great shock I’m sure, it will feature plenty of Dwarfs. I’ve seen a fair few people state their preference for the other… I’m using Dwarfs in my Abyssal Dwarf army
Our Bothan spies have been hard at work at the Mantic HQ… Undead Lykanis Abyssal Dwarf Slavedriver Troll Bruiser Undead Wights Coming soon!