Infantry tactics
I think many players undervalue infantry. This could be because on the whole, infantry stats are rather underwhelming compared to heavy hitters. You wouldn’t expect a bloke with a pointy stick to really stand up… Infantry tactics
I think many players undervalue infantry. This could be because on the whole, infantry stats are rather underwhelming compared to heavy hitters. You wouldn’t expect a bloke with a pointy stick to really stand up… Infantry tactics
Coming home from the Clash of Kings doubles tournament yesterday, me and Elliot had a discussion about what “clean play” means to us. The basic idea being how you do things such as measurements, dice… Clean play in Kings of War
I picked up Abyssal Dwarfs as my go-to army for major events this year, and done quite well so far, if I say so myself! Here’s what I ran at Lonewolf 2017 and a recent… My Abyssal Dwarf tactics
I had some really interesting responses to my article on broken things in KoW 1st edition and many people who joined at the start of 2nd were really interested in some of the changes we… More first edition changes
In Kings of War, and many other wargames, you need to have a rough idea of your chances of success before committing to an action. Sometimes you may do this via pure experience (though that… Mathhammer: Foundation dice arithmetic
This is one that I wrote a fair while back and shared as a Facebook album, but that doesn’t seem to work too well. So here it is reproduced! What you’ll need: 2-3mm MDF base… Scenic basing tutorial
Deployment is a very broad subject. I could sit on an article for months, continuously adding to it (and have been doing for weeks on this one in one form or another!), and still not… Deployment Tactics
Map packs rear their head a little bit, with people asking the RC to create a set of approved tables with the right balance of terrain or fully endorsing map packs made by others. I’m… Map Packs, and why we won’t make them
Timed games can be a little intimidating when you first play them, but once you’ve got the hang of them they’re absolutely no sweat. Here are five of my top tips for playing in a… Timed games top 5 tips
Amongst my many, many projects, I am building an Abyssal Dwarf army. To great shock I’m sure, it will feature plenty of Dwarfs. I’ve seen a fair few people state their preference for the other… I’m using Dwarfs in my Abyssal Dwarf army