The rule, not the exception
Does Pathfinder work on Obstacles? This is a question that crops up every now and again in Kings of War, and the answer is no. Let’s have a look at the rule itself: The unit… The rule, not the exception
Does Pathfinder work on Obstacles? This is a question that crops up every now and again in Kings of War, and the answer is no. Let’s have a look at the rule itself: The unit… The rule, not the exception
Your options for charging in an ongoing combat are often more flexible than you think, especially when your unit has Nimble. Back in 1st edition, when everything had two pivots on the charge, these were… KoW Tactics: The Corkscrew
Threat Projection is one of those tactics often overlooked. Put simply, threat projection is using the threat of an attack by one or more of your units to force your opponent to react to you.… KoW Tactics: Threat Projection