GLUT of miniature previews!
Our Bothan spies have been hard at work at the Mantic HQ… Undead Lykanis Abyssal Dwarf Slavedriver Troll Bruiser Undead Wights Coming soon!
Our Bothan spies have been hard at work at the Mantic HQ… Undead Lykanis Abyssal Dwarf Slavedriver Troll Bruiser Undead Wights Coming soon!
So this has apparently been cropping up since the beginning of February, but I’ve only just seen it! Renedra (the guys who made Mantics original Elf, Undead and Dwarf plastic sprues) are making their own… Castle from Renedra incoming
Frostgrave (an excellent skirmish game by the way!) is set to release a new plastic boxed set of Gnolls. They’ve uploaded a photo of the 3-up sculpt, held together with blutac: These certainly look fantastic… Frostgrave Gnolls preview